James Clear Quote on Identity

I heard this quote from James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, on a podcast during the first day of my self-discovery quest. It set a tone for my journey, and continues to resonate with me.

"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity."


I don't think I can sum it up much better.

AFTER MY SELF-discovery Quest

I'm back from my self-discovery quest, and I feel...a sense of peace, contentment, and relaxation in parts of my belly and lower back that have been nagging me for ages.

There's a lightness in my step. My head is clearer (I'm solving wordle and quordle (this is a thing!) with ease), and I've slowed down. The racing thoughts aren't pounding my brain, the to-do lists aren't haunting me, and my Oura ring just told me I don't have sleep debt anymore.


These weren't my expectations going into this. In fact, this deep sense of ease is a new sensation. I don't remember ever feeling this way after most vacations.

The difference is this wasn't a vacation. I wasn't sitting by a pool, dining out, or searching for sightseeing spots.

This was pure, open-end, unstructured exploratory time and space. NO pressure, expectations, FOMO, deadlines, things to do or decisions to be made.

Freedom from (most) everything was the gift.

Every action was a choice I decided in the moment.

Reflections On My Identity

When I think about identity and the professional identity research I do, it's an abstract concept. What is identity? How is it shaped?

Our identity is the compilation of all the little habits, patterns, routines, behaviors, and traits we automatically do day after day. Together, this forms who we are.

By taking a pause and going on this self-discovery quest, I was able to notice and reflect on all my daily choices and behaviors. I was able to cast new votes and question old ones. Some, I decided to shed and leave behind thus taking new steps towards the person I really want to be.

That is a powerful takeaway.

I'm loving returning home and seeing everything with fresh eyes. I've already started purging belongings and organizing neglected spaces.

I'm making space for my true identity to rise up and come alive by eliminating old things, tools, and habits.

My life is rich and full. I need less than I thought.